SolaX DTSU666

  • Power

Product is available (480 pcs)


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The SolaX DTSU666 3F meter is designed for monitoring electrical parameters in photovoltaic installations. It offers real-time viewing of parameters such as single-phase voltage and current, active and reactive power, frequency, positive energy, reverse energy and much more.

Discover the SOLAX DTSU666: Advanced Three-Phase Chint Meter for Photovoltaic Professionals. This tool combines advanced Chint technology with precise three-phase measurement. The DTSU666 enables efficient monitoring and optimisation of photovoltaic installations. The kit also includes inverter accessories, guaranteeing comprehensive functionality. The style of the Baywa brand meets the robustness of Chint here, creating not only a meter, but also a symbol of professionalism in the photovoltaic industry. Invest in the SOLAX DTSU666 to stand out and underline your confidence as an installer or fitter.

  • Power