Solar Panels – Everything You Need to Know

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In a world where renewable energy sources are gaining increasing importance, solar panels have emerged as a prominent player in the quest for sustainable power solutions. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to understanding solar panels, how they work, financial benefits, efficiency, installation, maintenance, and more.  Whether you're considering investing in solar energy or simply seeking to expand your knowledge, this article has you covered.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic panels, function by harnessing the photovoltaic effect. When sunlight hits the solar cells, they absorb photons, which are particles of light. This energy dislodges and excites electrons from atoms within the cells, creating an electric current. 

Then, the DC (direct current) electricity generated by the panels is converted to AC (alternating current) electricity using an inverter. Once it’s in usable AC form, this electricity can immediately be used to power the home’s or business’s energy needs, from appliances to outlets. It can also be funnelled back into the electrical grid.

Main Types of Solar Panels

Solar PV panels are divided into different types of panels, depending on the cell technology they use. Each type of PV panel has its own strengths or weaknesses, not to mention their degree of applicability in different situations.

  • Polycrystalline Solar Panels: Comprising multiple silicon crystals, these panels sport a dappled look. They balance affordability with commendable efficiency and suit spacious roofs.

  • Monocrystalline Solar Panels: Forged from a solitary silicon crystal, these panels prioritise efficiency. They're space-efficient, catering to compact roofs, and thrive even in dim light. Their advanced production process can result in a higher cost.

  • Thin Film Solar Panels: Constructed with delicate photovoltaic layers on diverse bases, thin film panels flaunt lightweight flexibility. Although they exhibit lower efficiency, they excel in dim or warm conditions, fitting unconventional setups and shaded locales. They are also typically the least expensive type of PV panel.

While these are the main types of commercially available solar panels, there are many more niche options that are starting to enter the market or are still in the experimental phase, such as:

  • Perovskite solar panels
  • Bifacial solar panels
  • Transparent solar panels
  • Organic solar panels
  • Tandem Solar cells
  • Dye-Sensitized solar cells
  • Quantum dot solar cells
  • Concentrator photovoltaics

What Are the Advantages of Solar Panels?

Solar panels offer a plethora of advantages that make them a compelling choice for individuals and businesses alike:

  • Renewable energy source: Solar panels harness energy from the sun, a renewable and inexhaustible source of power.
  • Environmental impact: They reduce reliance on fossil fuels, lower carbon emissions, and contribute to a cleaner environment.
  • Cost savings: Solar panels lead to significant long-term savings by reducing electricity bills.
  • Excess energy generation: Excess energy generated can be sold back to the grid. In the UK, you can earn money for powering the grid through schemes like the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG).
  • Property value: Solar panel installations increase the value of your property by an estimated 25% (in the UK).

  • Energy independence: By generating your own power, you become less reliant on external energy sources. It will also protect you against blackouts or spikes in utility costs.
  • Low operating costs: Solar panels have minimal maintenance requirements, resulting in lower operational expenses.

  • Government incentives: Many governments offer incentives, tax credits, and subsidies to promote solar energy adoption.
  • Grid stability: Distributed solar energy reduces strain on the power grid during peak demand periods.
  • Long lifespan: Solar panels have a long lifespan (20-25 years) and typically come with warranties that guarantee performance.
  • Reduced air pollution: Solar energy produces fewer air pollutants than other energy sources, improving air quality and public health.

Why Solar Panels Are Right for You

Solar panels are a versatile energy solution suitable for various applications. If you look at the advantages it has to offer, there is almost no household or business that wouldn’t benefit in multiple ways from investing in a solar panel installation.

Whether you're a homeowner looking to save on energy bills or a business owner aiming to enhance sustainability, solar panels can cater to your energy needs. Solar panels for homes, such as rooftop solar panels, can generate electricity for your household and even heat water. Many potential adopters baulk at the upfront cost. 

However, most solar panels will repay their initial cost in utility savings within less than ten years. Depending on your energy system and with an operating lifespan of 25+ years, you can even see a tidy return on your investment, particularly if you take advantage of a government scheme like the SEG.

Are Solar Panels Efficient in the United Kingdom?

The efficiency of solar panels in the United Kingdom might raise questions due to the country's reputation for cloudy weather. However, solar panels can still operate efficiently in most areas of the UK. It’s estimated that 65% of homes in the UK are suitable for solar power systems. 

While direct sunlight is ideal, modern solar panels are designed to capture diffused sunlight as well. Advances in technology and improved panel efficiency contribute to the viability of solar energy even in less sunny locations like the UK.

With proper knowledge and planning, solar adopters can maximise the potential of their solar energy system. For example, by compensating for the UK’s tilt relative to the sun, understanding variance in performance access across the various seasons, and investing in a battery system for difficult times. Tools like Global Solar Atlas can be useful in this regard.

Do You Need Planning Permissions for Solar Panels in the UK?

In 2008, solar panels were designated as ‘Permitted Development’ in the UK. This meant that getting planning permission was no longer needed in most cases unless the following exceptions apply:

  • Your house is a listed building or shares the designated site of a scheduled monument.

  • Your house is situated within a conservation area  or World Heritage Site (panels may be installed if not facing a highway)

For the safety and well-being of the community, you must still comply with the following guidelines when installing solar panels on your home:

  • It should be installed in a way that minimizes the effect on the external appearance to whatever extent possible.

  • Equipment should be removed when no longer needed as soon as possible.

  • Panels should not exceed the highest point of the roof or project more than 200mm beyond the edge of the roof or wall.

If you’re installing solar panels on your property but not on the home itself, you must also comply with the following guidelines:

  • Install solar panels in a way that minimally impacts the appearance of the area.

  • The installation must be at least 5 meters removed from the edge of your property.

  • The installation may not stand taller than 4m or exceed an area of 9m².

However, it's always advisable to check with your local authorities to ensure compliance with regulations before proceeding with the installation.

Cost and Savings

The cost of installing solar panels, as well as your potential savings and earnings, can vary significantly.

The main costs involved with installing a solar energy system are:

           untickedCost of the panels and Inverter

           untickedCost of mounting and installation

Here are some price estimates based on different home sizes:

  1. 1–2 bedrooms / 600-800 sq. ft.: Estimated cost of £1,600 to £4,800 for a 2kW - 4kW system.

  2. 3–4 bedrooms / 1,000 sq. ft.: Estimated cost of £3,200 to £7,200 for a 4kW - 6kW system.

  3. 4–5 bedrooms / 1,600 sq. ft.: Estimated cost of £4,800 to £12,000 for a 6kW - 10kW system.

  4. 5–6 bedrooms / 2,000 sq. ft.: Estimated cost of £8,000 and above for a system of 10kW or more.

Of this, expect to make a payment of anywhere between £500 to £10,000 for installation services alone. At the high end, a brand-new solar system should cost you no more than £20,000 from top to bottom.

Although minimal, there are also some long-term costs associated with owning a solar panel system. The Energy Savings Trust estimates that the average owner will only spend £1,450 to maintain a 4kW energy system throughout its entire lifespan. This may involve cleaning, repair, and the odd service.

While it also depends on a number of factors, the EST also estimates that the average household will save:

  • £183/year with a small 2 kW installation

  • £298/year with a medium 4 kW installation

  • £583/year with a sizeable 10 kW installation

Assuming a healthy operating lifespan of 25 years, the average solar system is expected to pay itself back between 4-11 years. And to produce a lifetime earnings of £6,000 or more.

Solar Panel Installation – How to Find a Qualified Supplier?

Look for suppliers who are accredited by relevant industry bodies and have a track record of reliable installations. You can research local solar energy companies, read reviews from previous customers, and request quotes from multiple suppliers. 

You can look for suppliers that are accredited by or registered with industry organisations, such as:

  • Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) (this is a must)

  • Renewable Energy Assurance Limited (REAL)

  • Solar Trade Association (STA)

  • Renewable Energy Consumer Code (RECC)

  • Maintenance of Solar System

Solar panel maintenance is relatively minimal but essential for optimal performance. Regular cleaning of panels to remove dirt, debris, and bird droppings is recommended. Additionally, it's advised to schedule periodic professional inspections to identify and address any issues promptly. 

Most solar systems are also equipped with inverters that might need replacement after about 10-15 years. By investing in proper maintenance, you can ensure your solar panels continue to generate clean energy efficiently.


Solar panels represent a forward-looking solution for generating clean and sustainable energy. Their ability to convert sunlight into electricity, combined with numerous benefits such as cost savings, property value enhancement, and environmental impact reduction, make them a compelling choice for individuals and businesses alike. With the potential to decrease reliance on non-renewable resources and contribute to a greener future, embracing solar panels is a step toward a more sustainable and energy-independent lifestyle.

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